How the DNA evidence demonstrates the existence of the Creator
Signature of the Designer
By Vince
Has someone taught you that science and belief in God just don’t mix? When you look at all the apparent complexity and design around you, do you take refuge in the idea that no intelligence was needed, but just random processes, to create what we see in nature? I invite you today to take a closer look at what science has uncovered recently about DNA and the origin of life on earth.
Let’s start with DNA, short for Deoxyribonucleic Acid. In this complex...
"Ok," the skeptic says, "maybe there is physical evidence that possibly supports massive flooding in the past. But how can I be asked to believe that Noah built a big wooden boat and took two of every kind of animal onto it? That just sounds too much like a fairy tale to me."
We have looked at a massive amount of physical evidence that supports the Flood model. But how about the ark itself? Many think the story sounds like a tall tale, and of course as we mentioned before, our children's cartoon Sunday School stories of Noah and the Ark help to reinforce this fictional image. But Sunday...
In this article in the series we will address some of the common geological objections to the reality of Noah's Flood that we haven't already covered in the previous four articles.
Objections to the Flood fall into two main categories. First, there are objections concerning the geological evidence, some of which we have covered already, and more will be covered in this article, such as , dinosaur nests and tracks in multiple layers, varves, chalk beds, petrified trees, and other formations that supposedly must take millions of years to form.
Second are the objections to the Ark itself, including...
In the last two articles we looked at some powerful evidences that favor a global flood model. The next logical question is, do we have a plausible model for the flood, and how does it explain the actual evidence compared to the uniformitarian model of slow and gradual processes over millions of years?
Since no one was there to see the earth's oldest rocks form, we can only test different models of how they formed and observe how well these models match up with the real world data. As I have been pointing out, scientists who hold to slow and gradual processes and those who hold to more rapid,...
In my last article we looked at some evidences that fit the model of a global flood as recorded in the book of Genesis. I now want to present some additional evidences.
Long distance of Sediment Transport over Continents:
There is evidence that the sediment in the large rock layers we talked about in the last article came not from local sources in many cases, but was transported a very long distance, even across continents. This finding would be consistent with a catastrophic watery event with large currents and rapid transport.
For example, the Coconino Sandstone in the Grand Canyon could...
A global flood? Really? Many people want to dismiss this possibility as unhistorical or legendary. As we said in the previous article, the Sunday School type of illustrations of a cartoon ark help foster doubts about Noah's Flood really happening. So is there any scientific evidence out there that supports Noah's Flood?
I would like to look at this in three parts:1. Evidences for a global flood, 2. If there was a global flood, how might it have happened , and 3. answering some objections that have been raised against the Biblical account of Noah's Ark and the Flood.
The first part we will...
When we are told that the history in the Bible is true, many balk at the idea that Noah's Flood in Genesis really happened. We've all seen the cute little Sunday School illustrations with the bathtub shaped ark with the pair of giraffe's heads sticking out the top, and so we are inclined to dismiss the story of Noah as a kid's fairy tale. Especially when we may have not heard of any evidence that supports a global flood, but instead have heard that the rock layers that cover so much of the earth were laid down gradually over millions of years by advancing and retreating shallow seas. But what...
How about this one: Surely distant starlight must prove an old universe. No one disputes that the stars and galaxies are very distant, millions and even billions of light years away. Of course, a light year is a distance measurement that indicates how far light, traveling at its presently measured speed of 186,000 miles a second, travels in one year. So doesn't this prove the light needed millions and billions of years to get here?
This problem assumes that the speed of light has always been the same, and that clocks have always measured time passing at the same rate in all times and places...
In our last two articles, we looked at some evidences for a young earth and universe. So what evidence has many scientists convinced that the universe and earth are millions or billions of years old? In the next two articles in this series,we will look at two supposedly foolproof evidences, ice core dating and distant starlight.
We have already looked at the principal evidence used for an old earth, radiometric dating, and have seen that it has many assumptions built into it, and there are problems with concluding that it proves an old earth. See article in part 2 of this series:
In the last article in this series we introduced 5 positive evidences for a young earth. I want to talk about 5 more lines of evidence in this article. So let's pick up where we left off:
6. The amount of Salt in the Sea: Each year many tons of salt are dumped into the oceans from various sources. These include weathering and dissolving of minerals by rivers, salt from glaciers, dust from the atmosphere and volcanic dust, salt from ground water seepage, and other sources. These together dump about 350-450 million tons of Sodium Chloride (salt) into the oceans per year. Salt...