A Challenge

Two Questions:

What else could God possible do to authenticate that the Bible is indeed His message to us?

What are you personally going to do about it?

Some questions to ask ourselves:

If the Bible is true, and God, heaven and hell exist, what could be greater news than to know you are going to spend eternity in heaven with God? (Mark 8:36)  And what could be worse than spending eternity in hell separated from His love?


•Are a holy God’s standards the same as ours? (see Matthew 5:48,  James 2:10)(even our own laws demand perfection)


•Can we save ourselves by our record of deeds? (see Romans 3:23) ( Our good deeds outweighing our bad deeds is not sufficient to save ourselves even in our own courts)


God’s solution and our response:
•God solved our problem in the person of Jesus Christ by offering Himself on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins:  (see Romans 3:24, Isaiah 53:6, 1 John 2:2)


•Logical response: Admit we need God’s forgiveness, agree with God that we need to turn from what He calls sin (repent), and place our complete trust in the finished payment of Jesus on the cross for us. (see Acts 16:30, Acts 20:21)


A Personal Relationship with the God of the Universe:
The whole message of the Bible points to a personal relationship with it’s Author, who has a life of good works in Him ready for us to live: (see Ephesians 2:8-10)


Trust and believe in God’s promises in His Word: (see Proverbs 3:4-5, Psalm 119:105)