How about this one: Surely distant starlight must prove an old universe. No one disputes that the stars and galaxies are very distant, millions and even billions of light years away. Of course, a light year is a distance measurement that indicates how far light, traveling at its presently measured speed of 186,000 miles a second, travels in one year. So doesn't this prove the light needed millions and billions of years to get here?
This problem assumes that the speed of light has always been the same, and that clocks have always measured time passing at the same rate in all times and places...
In our last two articles, we looked at some evidences for a young earth and universe. So what evidence has many scientists convinced that the universe and earth are millions or billions of years old? In the next two articles in this series,we will look at two supposedly foolproof evidences, ice core dating and distant starlight.
We have already looked at the principal evidence used for an old earth, radiometric dating, and have seen that it has many assumptions built into it, and there are problems with concluding that it proves an old earth. See article in part 2 of this series:
In the last article in this series we introduced 5 positive evidences for a young earth. I want to talk about 5 more lines of evidence in this article. So let's pick up where we left off:
6. The amount of Salt in the Sea: Each year many tons of salt are dumped into the oceans from various sources. These include weathering and dissolving of minerals by rivers, salt from glaciers, dust from the atmosphere and volcanic dust, salt from ground water seepage, and other sources. These together dump about 350-450 million tons of Sodium Chloride (salt) into the oceans per year. Salt...
You've probably heard from someone in "mainstream science" that the biblical idea of the earth only being six to ten thousand years old is totally preposterous. They will say that there is no evidence for a young earth or universe. But the age of the earth really cannot be proven, because beyond recorded history, assumptions have to be made about the "clock" being used. And it turns out that there are many evidences that fit a young world much better than they fit a billions of years old world. Since you aren't likely to hear about these because of the current hold that the worldview of long...
We saw from a previous article that if the Bible writer's wanted to convey that the earth was created in six literal days around 6-8,000 years ago, they could not have been much clearer about it than they are in Genesis 1. But many otherwise fine Bible apologists sweep this option aside, even though they know the facts about the text. This is because they believe that the scientific evidence shows clearly that the Earth is billions of years old. But there are also good Bible apologists and credentialed scientists out there that hold to a young earth. Is this second group composed of all crackpots,...
Does the Bible teach that creation took place in seven literal days? Or could it be read as teaching seven long ages of creation? This has been a great debate among Bible believers for centuries, causing some to view the Bible as conflicting with the findings of modern science. As a result, many Bible teachers have felt the need to insist that the creation days aren't literal 24 hour days, in order to make Genesis conform to scientific facts. But two questions need to be asked. First, does Genesis really teach literal days or can it be interpreted as teaching long ages? That will be the subject...
Were Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis just legendary characters? Maybe you've heard that there is good archaeological evidence for the existence of people in the Bible such as King David or King Hezekiah, but Adam and Eve? How could there have been just two people that started the whole human race just 6,000-8,000 years ago? Hasn't it been proven that we evolved from ape-like creatures millions of years ago?
Let's step back and look at the actual evidence. Scientists have been searching for so-called "missing links" for decades. You will read in the average textbook that people...
In our modern society we take for granted the existence of invisible germs and how they can cause illness. What many don't realize is that the Bible writings show anticipation of this modern discovery many centuries before the rest of the world caught on.
The Law of Moses, the Torah, comprises the first five books of the Bible. This law was written soon after Israel had been captive in Egypt, where they were exposed to Egyptian technology, including their medical methods. If you look at Egyptian medicine, they were very advanced in some ways, but primitive in others.The treatment methods...
Often today we see articles and programs where groups of scientists are trying to explain the beginning of the universe, "how we got here". And so many times they strain and struggle to explain this beginning without a beginner, namely, God. So how does the Bible account stack up to modern science?
Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Until the twentieth century it was believed that the universe had always existed, and there was not much known about what it consisted of. In the last century we determined that the universe consists of space, time...
So many times we hear from those we try to share the good news of Christ with that the gospels are just hearsay, written long after the time of Jesus, and are not eyewitness accounts. Where do they get this idea? They get it from many modern scholars, but not from the actual evidence of the text! They conclude that the gospel accounts are unreliable. Is this conclusion justified?
The idea that the gospels are documents that are far removed from original eye witnesses by a long process of anonymous communication of oral tradition is a popular idea today. Some modern scholars also view...